I liked a comment by one of the members so I am posting it seeking permission from him. His comment was posted by this member to my first post on 25th Feb 2009
Bobby Jindal says :
HIS LAND-Joel 2:18 HIS PEOPLE-Joel 2:18
Jacob had a vision 4000 years ago that the Jews would be scattered worldwide, that they would have a worldwide impact, and that they would be brought back to Israel. All three happened - each to an extreme unmatched by any other people in history. Genesis 28:10-15 b. Jeremiah said 2600 years ago that God will save the Jews and destroy their enemies. Gone are the Assyrian, Babylonian, Roman and Nazi empires. Each tried to destroy Israel and the Jews. And each have been destroyed. But not the Jews and not Israel. Jeremiah 30:11 c. Genesis said the Jews would have a worldwide impact. And indeed their contributions in the sciences, politics, arts and economics are vastly disproportionate to their numbers. The Jews introduced the one-true God concept, now embraced by more than 3 billion people. Genesis 12:2-3 d. The prophet Micah said 2700 years ago that Jerusalem would be destroyed and literally "plowed like a field." When the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 135 AD, they ran a plow over Jerusalem, they literally plowed Jerusalem. Micah 3:11-12 e. Deuteronomy said 3400 years ago that Jews would be scattered worldwide. History has but one example of a people being forcibly scattered as far west as California, as far east as Japan, as far north as Scandinavia, as far south as South Africa: the Jews. Who else has been ?. Deuteronomy 28:64 f. Leviticus said 3400 years ago that enemies would inhabit the Jewish homeland. And what other nation in this world today has so deeply rooted within its boundaries a sworn enemy that has so openly sought to destroy its host?Leviticus 26:31-32 g. Zechariah said 2500 years ago that Jews would be persecuted, but preserved. What other group has endured 19 centuries of exile, persecution and genocide, only to find the strength to re-establish their homeland, as did the Jews in 1948? Zero. (Zechariah 8:13) h. Deuteronomy said 3400 years ago that the Jews would be persecuted in many nations. The Romans killed 1.5 million Jews. The Crusaders killed tens of thousands. England, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium banned Jews from living there. The Nazi's murdered 6 million. Deuteronomy 28:65-67 i. Jeremiah said 2600 years ago that the second Israel would be more impressive than the first. The first Israel arose 3400 years ago after Jews had been enslaved in Egypt for 4 centuries. The second was born in 1948 after Jews had been scattered worldwide for 19 centuries. Jeremiah 16:14-15 j. The Last Days, The Beginning of SorrowsNation against Nation, Kingdom against Kingdom -Major world wide conflict that begin the End Times or the Last Days: World War I & II (1914 ,1939) – (Matthew 24:7) Written about 33 AD Both World Wars had major Jewish implications, The Holocaust, & Zionist MovementState of Israel is established in 1948. Israel is established as a secular nation in unbelief for a future judgment known as a Time of Jacob's Trouble, The Bibles speaks of a great gathering of Gentile Armies against Jerusalem. (Ezekiel 20:33-35), Written about – 593 BC (Ezekiel 22:17), Written about 593 BC, (Zephaniah 2:1) Written about 630 BC . Leviticus 26:3, 7-8 - Leviticus said the Jews would be disproportionately powerful. In 1948, Arab nations with a total population of 20 million sought to destroy Israel with its 600,000 Jews. The Jews won that and other wars since then. In 1967, Israel won a war in 6 days. ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3), Written about 54 AD (Revelation 11:2) Written about 96 AD To those that understand the Bible, no explanation is needed. To those that are prideful, self-centered, that love this world, that despise God’s correction, that are contentious or seeking the praise of men rather than of God, no explanation is possible-ref Daniel 12:4, 10; Matthew 24:37, 39 It has been said that it is virtually impossible for anyone to make 11 straight predictions, 2000 years into the future. There is only one chance in 8 x 10 to the 63rd power, or 80 with 63 zeros after it that such a thing could be done. If such a set of predictions existed, it would have to be the Word of God. Consider, could you write eleven straight predictions that would take place in the year 4000 A.D.? Include the rebirth of a specific nation and exactly how it would be reborn. Include specific nations that would exist and certain nations that would be allied together, and the exact size of a nation’s army. Include what the people and church would be like. Also include the names of actual cities and name certain crops and fruit trees that would exist. Do eleven straight prophecies and be exactly correct on every single one. The Bible not only does this eleven times, but hundreds of times with absolute, perfect accuracy. If this is so, even the most skeptical person (that is truthful) would have to agree that there is indeed a God and the Bible has to be His Word. 2 pet 1:20,21-knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the holy ghost. o fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken-luke 24:25. However, believing there is a God and acknowledging the Bible is the Word of God does not save a person. A person needs to admit they are a sinner, repent, and receive Jesus Christ as their only hope of being saved. Faith (or trust) does this.