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This blog is introduced with a loving concern for brother and sisters all around the world to find information, facts and figures about the truth of The Bible. To share with them the love of Christ, to let them know that Jesus Christ is coming soon, not to condemn you to but save you...Look out for posts related to facts figures and proofs about the truth of the bible. an introduction to the bible and about rapture, about how salvation is achieved thru Christ. Look out for the two minute salvation prayer which will save you from eternal hell. Hell is real my friends....and heaven is real too where you can spend eternal life with Jesus himself.. In the link section find links which would answer so many questions you may have. I'll be promoting this blog on search engines, by throwing advertisement in newspapers etc. expecting like minded writers to provide articles for above mentioned subject and prophecies related to end times. etc. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BIBLE The Bible is a book that can be found almost anywhere on the earth. It has been translated into more than 2000 different languages and dialects. It is also the world's most popular book. Every year more copies of the Bible are sold than any other publication, and the number of sales is increasing. The purpose of this lesson is to introduce you to the Bible. The lesson will tell you where the Bible came from, why it was written, how it is organized, and how to find references to specific parts of it. 1. Origin of the Bible : The Bible is one of the world's oldest books. Its oldest sections were written about 1500 years before the birth of Christ. Even its newest sections were written about 1900 years ago. Clearly, then, having been written over a period of about 1600 years, the Bible was not written by one person. No one knows precisely how many people contributed to the Bible. It is estimated there were about forty authors. One of the most important facts about the Bible is that those who wrote it did not claim to be the source of the ideas they wrote about. Sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, the authors assert that what they were writing really came from God. For example, one of the writers, Paul, made this statement: All Scripture [i.e., the Bible] is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Another writer, Peter, wrote: ... For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21). Other Bible writers confirm the statements of Paul and Peter. Through the years there were those to whom the writings of men such as Paul and Peter were sacred. They understood these writings originated with God Himself. Some of these people dedicated themselves to collecting, arranging, and preserving the Scriptures that existed in their day. Today the names of most of those who did this work are unknown to us. We do know that well before the time of Christ the Jews had already finished assembling the divinely inspired writings of the Hebrews. It is a collection of 39 books. In the list of Bible books appearing elsewhere in this lesson, it is called the Old Testament. Following Christ's life on earth, additional sacred books were written. Some of these books record historical events pertaining to Christ and His early followers. Others are letters written to explain Christ's teaching or to encourage the followers of Christ to practice the moral principles He taught. There are 27 books in this later collection. Together they form the New Testament. 2. Purpose of the Bible : Perhaps at some time you have said, "Nobody's perfect." You said it because you made a mistake others were aware of. You felt you needed to justify yourself but had no other explanation to offer. The Bible makes similar statements about every human being: The LORD has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. All have turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one (Psalms. 14:3). Anything you do, or fail to do, that displeases God is called "sin." Whenever you sin, you drive a wedge between yourself and God: Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear (Isa. 59:1-2). Unless something is done to erase your sins, you will remain separated from God forever. Paul compared committing sin to working at a job. He pointed out that the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23a). He was not referring to mere physical death but to spiritual death. Elsewhere he describes spiritual death as everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power (2 Thes. 1:9b). The Bible is very much concerned with sin--not just with your sin but with everyone's sin. The Bible reveals God's great plan for bringing about the forgiveness of our sins. When we follow the plan, God forgives our sins and will reward us with everlasting life: the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom. 6:23b). The Bible is about changing from death to life, from destruction to salvation. 3. The Unity of the Bible: The theme of salvation from sin, which runs throughout the pages of Scripture, is one of the attributes of the Bible showing its harmony and consistency. It is remarkable that such unity could be maintained by so many writers, who lived at different times, at different places, and in different cultures. They did not all speak the same language and did not all write in the same literary form. It is as if the books of the Bible are the instruments in an orchestra whose diverse sounds blend harmoniously under the direction of the conductor. When we recognize that the writers themselves were not the original sources of the information and ideas they expressed but were acting under the direction of God, we can understand why the Bible forms a unit. 4. The Content of the Bible "How To ..." books and articles are popular today. It is not hard to find information on how to train a dog, how to wire a house, how to lose weight, how to quit worrying, how to increase one's vocabulary, or how to improve one's marriage. When we read these publications, we expect them to give us a point-by-point plan for achieving a goal. If you expect to find that kind of recipe for salvation in the Bible, you will be disappointed. God has not chosen to unfold his plan for removing sin as a simple list of "Do's" and "Don't's". Instead, God has chosen to unfold His plan by having us consider His dealings with certain groups of people over a long period of history. As we read the Bible we see how God interacted with these people. We learn more and more about the nature of God and about the kind of response He desires from us. From the Bible we learn how the human race began and how sin first entered the world and continued to be practiced. We learn about God's response to those who were wicked and to those who were righteous. Sometimes God's response involved miracles. More often than not, God's response was communicated through men He chose as His special agents. The record of what they said and wrote spans a variety of literary styles. Some parts of the Bible are simply the records of historical events. Other parts are prayers or thanks to God stated in poetic form. Still other parts are sermons that were preached, predictions that were made, or personal letters that were written. As we read through the Bible, we begin to realize that we, like the men and women of the Bible, are guilty of displeasing God. We see that we are powerless to reverse the process by which we isolated ourselves from Him. We also begin to realize that God loves us, disobedient though we are, and that He has devised a way for us to be forgiven and saved. The central feature of God's plan is Jesus Christ. Jesus left heaven to come to earth to live as one of us. He experienced the temptations, disappointments, and heartaches that we experience. Then He died for us as a perfect sacrifice for sin. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Write and ask for a free Bible course at this internet web address It will guide you read, study, and understand the Bible. If you decide to study all the free courses, you will have made a choice that may have far-reaching consequences for you personally. The Bible can become a mirror that enables you to see yourself as God sees you and a messenger that tells you how to become what God wants you to be. |
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23 February 2009
Introduction to Blog and To The Bible
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Bible is True
ReplyDelete1. The Jewish people would be scattered worldwide; yet Israel would become a nation again after a long time and at a time the Bible calls the "latter days"-ref Isa 66:8; Mic 5:3; Ezek 38:8. Against what appeared to be impossible odds, this prophecy has been fulfilled. It happened as predicted on May 14, 1948 after about 2500 years. That’s 1 out of 1. Note: Israel was destroyed in approximately 721 B.C. and Judah about 135 years later. Since that time, approximately fourteen different peoples have possessed the land of Israel. Yet as the Bible said, the nation of Israel would be reborn.The rebirth of Israel was a key sign, indicating we had entered a time period called the "latter days." It was the beginning of a
countdown leading to the Tribulation and culminating with the Battle of Armageddon and the return of Jesus. Along with the fulfillment of this crucial event are over 360 prophecies that would all come together, so we might recognize that the Tribulation is very close at hand. Some of these are listed here.Yet the Bible foretells that most people would not believe these things, despite the overwhelming evidence of the signs from God’s Word being fulfilled exactly as predicted. As people refused to believe the flood was coming in Noah’s time, so people today willingly choose to disregard the signs of the times.
2. Israel shall be brought forth in one day, at once-ref Isa 66:8. Prophecy fulfilled-May 14, 1948. That’s 2 out of 2.Note: On Nov. 29, 1947, the General Assembly of the U.N. approved a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. On the morning of May 14, 1948 (the last day of the British mandate), a meeting of the People’s Council took place in Israel to decide on the name of the state and to finalize the declaration. At precisely 4 pm, the proclamation ceremony began at the Tel Aviv museum. The 979 Hebrew words of the Scroll of Independence were read. All stood, and the scroll was adopted. The notorious White Paper, issued by the British in 1930 restricting Jewish immigration, was
declared null and void. Members of the People’s Council signed the proclamation. David Ben-Gurion rapped his gavel, declaring, "The State of Israel is established. This meeting is ended." Israel was brought forth as a nation in one day, at once, exactly as predicted. At midnight, the British soldiers and high commissioner would leave. US President Truman was swift in announcing U.S. recognition of Israel. The following morning, on May 15, Israel was under attack by the Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, and Iraqi forces.
3. Israel would be brought forth (or reborn) "out of the nations"-Ezek 38:8. Prophecy fulfilled-May 14, 1948. That’s 3 out of 3.Note: As previously stated, on Nov. 29, 1947, the General Assembly of the "United Nations" approved a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. This prophecy was perfectly fulfilled. Consider, for centuries the land of Israel had been occupied by many nations. Israel was "brought forth out of the nations"—the children of Israel from many nations have been returning to their ancient homeland.
4. Israel must regain the city of Jerusalem-Joel 2:32; Isa 28:14; Ezek 22:19. This happened just as predicted in 1967. That’s 4 out of 4. Note: The Bible gives us two methods so we would know the time we are in. One is by Israel’s rebirth. The other, by a precise line of events that would all come together at one time. Israel was reborn on May 14th, 1948. The Bible indicates that from Israel’s rebirth a generation would not pass till all be fulfilled. We are not setting any date; however, it seems clear from Israel’s rebirth and the signs of the times— that we are living in the generation in which the Rapture and Tribulation will come and catch most people by surprise. Are you ready?
5. The Christian church at the time of the end would be lukewarm, neither cold nor hot for Jesus. Prophecy fulfilled. That’s 5 out of 5.Note: God will spew them out. Many ministers and people that call themselves a Christian will not be going to heaven. The Bible tells us—you have acquired wealth, but your true condition is wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked and you don’t know it-Rev 3:14-22. This is today’s church. Most preachers use little Scripture, but lots of worldly stories. Many sing a great deal, but put little emphasis on repentance, obeying, serving, and fearing God, on the fruits of the Spirit, Bible prophecy, water baptism by immersion, and studying your Bible faithfully every day. Many are only entertainment centers that teach what their members want to hear. Many (so-called Christians) are so lukewarm or dead, they don’t even bring their Bibles with them to the house of God. Some famous ministers and Bible schools think this is the best church age ever, yet the Bible clearly shows it is the worst and most deceived.
The Bible gives us over 50 descriptions about the people at the time of the end. These fit thepeople of today perfectly, but did not fit the people of fifty years ago. Here are some:
Some would depart from the faith and go into devil worship-1 Tim 4:1. This is perfect.
People would mock about the last days and not believe-2 Pe 3:3; Jude 18.
People would become lovers of themselves-2 Tim 3:1,2. Remember the TV commercials—"I do it for me"?
People would be disobeying their parents-2 Tim 3:1,2.
People would be grateful for nothing-2 Tim 3:1,2.
Homosexuality would increase-Lk 17:28,30; ref Gen 19:5; Ro 1:24,26,27.
People would be without self-control in sex-2 Tim 3:1,2,6; Rev 9:21, Lk 17:28,30; Jude 7. Is this not the great sex generation?
People would love pleasures more than God-2 Tim 3:1,2,4. This is true. Shall we go on a picnic, watch football, or sleep. Church?—we can go
another time. Remember, these were all predicted centuries ago as part of the signs that we are at the time of the end.
People would be taking drugs-Rev 9:21. The Greek word for sorceries, in Rev 9:21, means pharmaceuticals or drugs. God’s Word is 100% right on every one. That’s 6 out of 6. How could you have any doubts at this point?Note: Fifty years ago, many people seldom locked their doors at night. There was little or no profanity on television, radio, or in the movies. One of the biggest problems in public school was gum chewing. Those days are long gone.
7. There would be weapons that could destroy the world-Mk 13:20; Rev 6:8; Rev 9:18; Zech 14:8,12. Incredibly, this prophecy was written in the days of spears and arrows, yet today it is true. That’s 7 out of 7.Note: It is estimated that the combined nuclear arsenals of the USA and Russia (as of the year 2004) could kill every living thing on earth 6 times over.
8. The Gospel must be published in all the world-Mk 13:10. This seemingly impossible prophecy was written when there was no printing press, but today it is true. That's 8 out of 8.Note: In this last generation, to our knowledge, the Gospel is being published (or is about to be published) in the primary language of every nation of the world or "among all nations." In addition, the Gospel is available by short-wave radio nearly everywhere in the world.
9. In the "latter days" when Israel was once again a nation, there would be a great military power to the extreme north of Israel in the land of Magog (which is modern-day Russia)-Ezek 38:2-4,8,15,16. Incredible. That’s 9 out of 9.Note: How could the Bible have foretold the location of this nation, facts about its military, and even the time period it would come to pass? As was already said in Lk 24:25-O FOOLS, AND SLOW OF HEART TO BELIEVE ALL THAT THE PROPHETS HAVE SPOKEN. 10. There would be a nation to the far east of Israel, to the end of the earth.
This nation would have an army of 200 million. This is astounding. How could the Bible have told the location of a nation and given such a huge figure regarding the size of its army nearly 2000 years ago? China has boasted that they could field an army of this exact figure. That’s 10 out of 10.
11. There would be an economic alliance of the nations of the Old Roman Empire. It would have a military capability. This is an exact description of the European Economic Community today (the EEC), which has already adopted the one-currency system for many of their member nations. It is written, IN THE DAYS OF THESE KINGS (these nations, which is now) SHALL THE GOD OF HEAVEN SET UP A KINGDOM-Dan 2:44. That’s
11 out of 11. We have just reached the point that seemed impossible—11 perfect predictions made thousands of years ago—with God nothing is
impossible. Certainly, at this point, even the biggest skeptic should see the Bible is true, there is a God, and we are nearing the time of the end.About 22 prophecies in 11 sets have been given, all perfect and all written centuries ago. The chance that any person could do this 2000 years into the future is not possible. The Bible is the Word of God, and we have just proved it. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Repent and get baptized by full immersion. Read and obey the Gospel. God loves you. He is not willing that any should perish, yet many do. The Rapture is close. Most people are not ready and will not be taken. However, "YOU" cannot say you did not know. Know and understand, Mt 16:26-WHAT IS A MAN PROFITED, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? OR WHAT SHALL A MAN GIVE IN EXCHANGE FOR HIS SOUL?
Thanks for the invitation. I am repeating what Mr Frankienewmen has written, Just addig some more facts...related to the subject.
MY PEOPLE-Ezekial 38:14
HIS LAND-Joel 2:18
HIS PEOPLE-Joel 2:18
Jacob had a vision 4000 years ago that the Jews would be scattered worldwide, that they would have a worldwide impact, and that they would be
brought back to Israel. All three happened - each to an extreme unmatched by any other people in history. Genesis 28:10-15
b. Jeremiah said 2600 years ago that God will save the Jews and destroy their enemies. Gone are the Assyrian, Babylonian, Roman and Nazi
empires. Each tried to destroy Israel and the Jews. And each have been destroyed. But not the Jews and not Israel. Jeremiah 30:11
c. Genesis said the Jews would have a worldwide impact. And indeed their contributions in the sciences, politics, arts and economics are vastly disproportionate to their numbers. The Jews introduced the one-true God concept, now embraced by more than 3 billion people. Genesis 12:2-3
d. The prophet Micah said 2700 years ago that Jerusalem would be destroyed and literally "plowed like a field." When the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 135 AD, they ran a plow over Jerusalem, they literally plowed Jerusalem. Micah 3:11-12
e. Deuteronomy said 3400 years ago that Jews would be scattered worldwide. History has but one example of a people being forcibly scattered as far west as California, as far east as Japan, as far north as Scandinavia, as far south as South Africa: the Jews. Who else has been ?. Deuteronomy 28:64
f. Leviticus said 3400 years ago that enemies would inhabit the Jewish homeland. And what other nation in this world today has so deeply rooted within its boundaries a sworn
enemy that has so openly sought to destroy its host? Leviticus 26:31-32
g. Zechariah said 2500 years ago that Jews would be persecuted, but preserved. What other group has endured 19 centuries of exile,
persecution and genocide, only to find the strength to re-establish their homeland, as did the Jews in 1948? Zero. (Zechariah 8:13)
h. Deuteronomy said 3400 years ago that the Jews would be persecuted in many nations. The Romans killed 1.5 million Jews. The Crusaders
killed tens of thousands. England, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium banned Jews from living there. The Nazi's murdered 6 million. Deuteronomy 28:65-67
i. Jeremiah said 2600 years ago that the second Israel would be more impressive than the first. The first Israel arose 3400 years ago after Jews had been enslaved in Egypt for 4 centuries. The second was born in 1948 after Jews had been scattered worldwide for 19 centuries. Jeremiah
j. The Last Days, The Beginning of Sorrows
Nation against Nation, Kingdom against Kingdom -Major world wide conflict that begin the End Times or the Last Days: World War I & II (1914
,1939) – (Matthew 24:7) Written about 33 AD
Both World Wars had major Jewish implications, The Holocaust, & Zionist Movement State of Israel is established in 1948. Israel is established as a secular nation in unbelief for a future judgment known as a Time of Jacob's Trouble, The Bibles speaks of a great gathering of Gentile Armies against Jerusalem. (Ezekiel 20:33-35), Written about – 593 BC (Ezekiel
22:17), Written about 593 BC, (Zephaniah 2:1) Written about 630 BC . Leviticus 26:3, 7-8 - Leviticus said the Jews would be disproportionately powerful. In 1948, Arab nations with a total population of 20 million sought to destroy Israel with its 600,000 Jews. The Jews won that and other wars since then. In 1967, Israel won a war in 6 days. ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3), Written about 54 AD (Revelation 11:2) Written about 96 AD.
To those that understand the Bible, no explanation is needed. To those that are prideful, self-centered, that love this world, that despise God’s correction, that are contentious or seeking the praise of men rather than of God, no explanation is possible-ref Daniel 12:4, 10; Matthew 24:37, 39
It has been said that it is virtually impossible for anyone to make 11 straight predictions, 2000 years into the future. There is only one chance in 8 x 10 to the 63rd power, or 80 with 63 zeros after it that such a thing could be done. If such a set of predictions existed, it would have to be the Word of God. Consider, could you write eleven straight predictions that would take place in the year 4000 A.D.? Include the rebirth of a specific nation and exactly how it would be reborn. Include specific nations that would exist and certain nations that would be allied together, and the exact size of a nation’s army. Include what the people and church would be like. Also include the names of actual cities and name certain crops and fruit trees that would exist. Do eleven straight prophecies and be exactly correct on every single one. The Bible not only does this eleven times, but
hundreds of times with absolute, perfect accuracy. If this is so, even the most skeptical person (that is truthful) would have to agree that there is indeed a God and the Bible has to be His Word. 2 pet 1:20,21-knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the holy ghost. o fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken-luke 24:25. However, believing there is a God and acknowledging the Bible is the Word of God does not save a person. A person needs to admit they are a sinner, repent, and receive Jesus Christ as their only hope of being saved. Faith (or trust)does this.