Noah's Ark discovered in the Mountains of Ararat.
Noah's ark is real, the bible is the truth. Read the true story of finding Noah's Ark and the artifacts found there. It's an exciting discovery adventure in Turkey. There is a museum built near the ark in Turkey. Even the anchor stones are still there to see. Did lava really preserve this ancient bible artifact? Discover for yourself. Dig into Ron Wyatt's discoveries.
"And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen." (Genesis 8:4-5)
Did you see it? Read it again. God shows something new! It doesn't say mountain. It says "tops of the mountains" and "mountains of Ararat". Where are the mountains of Ararat? Certainly this includes the mountain range of Ararat.
1960 Original Discovery from Airplane.
While routinely examining aerial photos of his country, a Turkish army captain suddenly gaped at a picture... There, on a mountain 20 miles south of Mt. Ararat, the biblical landfall of Noah's Ark, was a boat-shaped form about 500-515 feet long. The captain passed on the word. Soon an expedition including American scientists set out for the site.
At 7,000 feet, in the midst of crevasses and landslide debris, the explorers found a clear, grassy area shaped like a ship and rimmed with steep, packed-earth sides. Its dimensions are close to those given in Genesis: 'The length of the ark shall be 300 cubits, the breadth of it 50 cubits, and the height of it 30 cubits,' that is, 450x75x45 feet. A quick two-day survey was made. A scientist in the group says "a ship-like object that has almost unbroken symmetry."
Original Photo of the "Boat Shape"
Original 1959 Photo of the "Boat Shape".
The picture was taken in 1959 by the Turkish Captain Ilhan Durupinar during a NATO mapping mission. (He was still alive in Sept. 2007.)
Noah's Ark on Google earth
Located 6,375 feet above sea level.
Map of Turkey
Turkey announces discovery of Noah's Ark.
"1986 Turkish officials with Ron Wyatt make official decision."
February 1987 - Ron meets with the Governor of the Agri District, Mr. Sevket Ekinci. The December 1986 decision was positive - it was the official decision of members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of Internal Affairs, and researchers from Ataturk University, among others, that the "boat-shaped formation" did indeed contain the remains of Noah's Ark!"
"Plans were made for the official dedication of the site, which would include Ron as guest of honor as the "discoverer" of the fact that it was truly the remains of Noah's Ark."
"June 20, 1987 - Ron participates in the Dedication of "Noah's Ark."
"On the mountainside overlooking the former "boat shaped object", which had now been proclaimed by the Turkish Government to be "Noah's Ark", were gathered a large number of dignitaries, from the local level to the national level, as well as high ranking military. Journalists were also present."
"The plans were made public for a visitors' center to be erected on the spot. The governor spoke the dedication in Turkish and then he lifted the first shovel full of dirt - the groundbreaking of the new visitors' center. Ron, as guest of honor, lifted the second shovel full of dirt and then other dignitaries participated in the ceremony."
Quotes: used with permission. CC All rights reserved.
Sub-Surface Radar Detail
Click on each to make Large.
Path of the Ark (Boat)
Click on each below to make Large.
Path of the Ark (Boat)
According to some sites this is the direction of the flow down the mountain. So I made up a image from googleearth showing the direction this may have taken. This mountain is called "Walls of Heaven". The landing point at the top has had some significant ancient evidence found. (If you have more information about the original landing site, before it's current day resting place, feel free to comment at the bottom)
Noah's Ark Photos
Anchor Stones were used by Noah
"Walking over miles and miles of rugged terrain, one of the men motioned for Ron to take his photo by a very large standing rock. Only when he looked through the viewfinder did Ron realize that this "rock" was identical to the anchor stones found in the Mediterranean Sea that he had seen in archaeological books. That is except for one thing -- this "rock" was many, many times larger!" - Ron Wyatt -
Drogue stones were a feature of ancient ships, and were the ancient equivalent of a storm anchor. They have been found in the Nile and elsewhere in the Mediterranean area, and like the stones found by Wyatt, they are heavy and flat with a hole for connecting a line at one end. Their purpose was to create drag in the water or along shallow sandy bottoms: the stone was attached to one end of a boat, and the drag produced would cause the bow or stern to face into the wind and the oncoming wind-blown waves. These anchor stones are found surrounding the site of the ark-shape.
More about the Anchor Stones (Drogue Stones) on Wiki: Arzap Drogue Stones (Ron Wyatt is the true discoverer of the stones, others visit later).
Anchor Stone Gallery
Click on each to make Large.
Anchorstone nearby
Artist Rendention of Anchorstones
Anchorstones. Courtesy Mark Johnson
Great Evidence
A dig at Naxuan
Timber and Petrified Wood
Evidence - some from videos and some from
Deck Beams
Find Noah's Ark on Google Earth
Noah's Ark:
Latitude: 39°26'26.26"N
Longitute: 44°14'5.30"E
Latitue: 39°26'34.41"N
Longitude: 44°14'0.80"E
Caring for the animals on the ark.
"Therefore, Noah probably stored the food and water near each animal. Even better, drinking water could have been piped into troughs, just as the Chinese have used bamboo pipes for this purpose for thousands of years. The use of some sort of self-feeders, as is commonly done for birds, would have been relatively easy and probably essential. Animals that required special care or diets were uncommon and should not have needed an inordinate amount of time from the handlers. Even animals with the most specialized diets in nature could have been switched to readily sustainable substitute diets. Of course, this assumes that animals with specialized diets today were likewise specialized at the time of the Flood."
Quote from: How did Noah take care of the Animals? CLICK HERE
Timber Beams Remains
Rivets and Evidence
Petrified Wood in the Museum in Turkey
Black and White Originals and More Evidence.
Noah's Ark Visitor Center
"I have no doubt at all that the object is a ship. In my entire career, I have never seen an object like this on a stereo photo"
~ Dr. Arthur Brandenburger, A Stereo Photogramatry Expert, who accompanied the group of US and Turkish Experts to the region on an expedition to see this shape.
Newspaper Clips
Announcement in the paper.
True Story of the Noah's Ark Discovery!
- Noah's Ark Discovery - Early Years
- In September. 1960, 27 year-old Ron Wyatt, along with thousands of other people, read the following article in Life Magazine about a strange boat-shaped formation in the mountains of Ararat:
- Noah's Ark: The Action Years
- Ron and Dave Fasold arrived in Turkey on March 20, 1985. Meeting them there was Samran Al Moteri, the Saudi Arabian prince who had come to visit Ron earlier in Madison, Tennessee...
- Noah's Ark Rediscovered
- Some more pictures, drawings and links.
- Ron's Mini Excavation
- Ron Wyatt and Richard Rives performed what has become known as the "mini-excavation"...
Noah's Ark Looking Towards Mt. Ararat Mountains
The first photo has Noah's Ark in the whole bottom portion. The second image (googleearth) has a view from the sky, it has Noah's Ark as a tiny speck in bottom portion. Both looking towards the mountains of Ararat.
More Questions? See FAQ:
Genesis Flood - "great deep burst open"
Video shows the great deep bursting open.
Global Flood Model
If there was a Flood, most living things would have perished, and so we would expect a 'cut-off' point at this time. In other words, going into the past, we should reach a period of time in which there is a sharp reduction in the number of specimens compared to the period just older than that, and as we went forward in time, we would expect a gradual buildup, as plant and animal populations recovered their numbers.
Such a study has been done by Dr Robert Whitelaw. Using the 15,000 published dates, he grouped them into 500 year 'blocks' and found a dramatic drop-off about 5,000 years ago, with a worldwide distribution (Speak to the Earth, Ed. G. Howe. Presb. & Ref. Pub. Co, p.. 331).
Psalm 104:8
"The mountains rose; the valleys sank down to the place which You established for them."
LINKS - Important Noah's Ark Links
- - Anchorstones -
- Why are there crosses? More great pictures of the anchorstones.
- Describes from Slide 4 through Slide 14 how the Ark's anchor stones were left at the town "Arzap" as it first "rested". Then as it was still over water it floated to a nearby mountain called "Walls of Heaven" where it rested then as time went by it was moved down to its current location as we see it today. Much evidence and photos of places/resting.
- More about Noah's Ark INFO
- More Information and a special DVD about Ron Wyatt's discoveries including Noah's Ark.
- - Newsletter with PICTURES
- Full of Great RECENT pictures of trip to these discovery sites.
- Great Information and they sell a book written by Ron Wyatt's wife on the Noah's Ark discovery.
- Artwork and list of MUSEUMS. Good friend of Ron's, did lots of artwork for him. "Noah's Ark HAS BEEN FOUND!!!"
- Some photos, but excellent video footage and detail of this ark and area, while Bill Fry gives much more information about each evidence that find.
- How Did Noah Fit All the Species On the Ark?
- Evolutionists have often laughed at this idea, claiming that the 4,400 years between now and when we believe Noah left the ark simply do not allow enough time for such variation to take place within a kind. And yet they believe that in only a few million years, every plant and animal alive on the planet today was produced out of primordial mud.
- Hong Kong's Noah's Ark (Entertainment for Fun)
Genesis 7:11
"...on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened."
Frequently Asked Question:
"Some have estimated that there were as many as 25,000 kinds of animals represented on the ark. This is a high-end estimation. With two of each kind and seven of some the number of animals would exceed 50,000, though not by very much relatively speaking. Regardless, whether there were 16,000 or 25,000 kinds of animals, even with two of each and seven of some, scholars agree that there was plenty of room for all of the animals on the ark, plus food and water with room to spare." ~ Q: "How did Noah fit all the animals on the Ark?"
"The ark's total volume would have been 1,518,000 cubic feet (42,985 cubic meters). This would equal the capacity of 569 modern railroad stock cars." ~ Q: "Was Noah's Ark BIG ENOUGH to hold ALL the animals?"
"...John Woodmorappe suggests that, at most, 16,000 animals were all that were needed to preserve the created kinds that God brought into the Ark." "...Noah wouldn't have taken the largest animals onto the Ark; it is more likely he took juveniles aboard the Ark to repopulate the earth after the Flood was over. These younger animals also require less space, less food, and have less waste." ~ Q: "How Could Noah Fit All the Animals on the Ark?"
"The Ark was 140 meters (500 ft) long, 14 meters high and 20 meters wide. It had three decks, a window along the top and a capacity of 15,000 tonnes. Korean naval architects analyzed a model of the ark in a hydraulic flume and discovered that it was an incredibly stable design, even for the roughest seas." Q: How did Noah fit all the animals on the ark?